Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Imse Vimse Covers and Thirsties Covers



We got more IMSE VIMSE organic cotton covers and I have to admit they are wonderful! They keep all the wetness in and stay pretty dry if you want to just swap out the fitted diaper inside.

On another note- like Heather I ordered some THIRSTIES and I love, love, love them. They are fluffy and fit really well. The covers don't stay as dry as the IMSE VIMSE but the fitteds were great and half the cost of the Swaddlebee's. I am happy that I have both though because the Swaddlebee's are thicker and will hold more wetness for night time.

Another thing to note is the RAW SILK LINERS will protect your diapers from staining if you use them with every diaper. If the baby soils the diaper it is much easier to remove and soak vs soaking the entire diaper.
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1 comment:

Molly said...

Oh MY! I am am going to have to get one of those "organic material" covers for Adeline! That is too frikin cute!