Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What do you need?

OK I wanted to post what you will need initially to begin cloth diapering your baby.

I recommend you purchase:

1 All in One (AIO) diaper in the size that fits your babies weight. Can be found on any diapering website. With this diaper you do NOT need any covers or insert. It is all right there. You put the diaper on the baby- remove it when soiled, wash and reuse. VERY EASY!

2. Diaper w/ pockets- the reason you'd want THIS type of diaper is because while the AIO's are EASY- they take a long time to dry- and also- they aren't as versatile. The pocket diapers you can insert additional padding (doublers or insert) depending on the needs of your baby. They also dry twice as fast as the ALL IN ONES.

3. WET BAG - this is a bag (not expensive) to put the soiled diapers in. You will want to buy one to carry in the diaper bag ( I have a super cute one that is pink with green frogs on it) and then a bigger one. I've been just tossing the diapers in a clothes basket and washing them in the evening and drying over night but think a bag that closes would work better to keep our DOG from stealing the diapers!

This website is where I ordered my last few diapers and the customer service there is really amazing. They called to tell me the colors of diapers I wanted were sold out and offered me alternate colors so I could get them faster!

I'll post some other good sites too later.

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